Sngine – Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform Script Download
Original price was: 89.00$.25.00$Current price is: 25.00$.
Sngine is a PHP Social Network Platform that is the best way to create your own social website or online community. Launch it in just 1 minute with ultimate features. It’s fast and secure, and it will be regularly updated.
Alright, let’s dive a bit deeper. Sngine is designed to give you the power to create your own social network with ease. It boasts features like user profiles, timelines, groups, pages, and other social goodies. Plus, it’s built using PHP, which is flexible and customizable to suit your specific needs. If you dream of creating the next big thing in social networking, Sngine is like having a superhero suit for your PHP-powered ambitions.
User/General Features:
Friends Users can add others as freind
Follow/Unfollow Sngine also support following system like Twitter/Facebook
Real-Time Real-Time Newsfeed, Chat, & Notifications and Profile Updates
Share Users can share any public post on Sngine
Smart Publisher Publisher auto-scrap (Music, Videos, Links)
YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud Users can share links from these media
Notifications Get notifications (red notification with counter) from other users when they: Like, Share, Comment, or @mention you
Sound Notifications for New Notifications & Messages
Privacy users can change thier privacy settings anytime
#Hahtags Post #hashtags in posts, comments and chat conversations
@mention user can mention thier friends
Photos upload images and have them displayed as a gallery.
Groups Stay in touch with the group members and share stories with them.
Pages User now can create pages like Facebook.
Smiles / Emoticons (smiles) in Messages, Comments and Chat.
Mange Blocks Users can block other users preventing them from chatting with each other.
Awesome Profile with Covers and Avatars for user/page/group profiles
Verify Badge Now profile and pages support verify badge
Unified Search Box Live search for #hashtags, posts, pages and groups
See More option for cut long-text post like Facebook
Retina Display Ready Responsive Design (optimized for iPhone 5 and other iOS devices)
SuggestionsFriends suggestions (for new users), Pages to like, Groups to join
Script/Admin Features:
Portable so you can run it at any hosting easily
Ajax Powered system
We build it with pure PHP with code easy to follow, so developers can customize it
SEO SEO Friendly URLs
System Shutdown Turn the entire website On and Off
Registration Enabled Turn registration On and Off
Send Activation Email Enable/Disable activation email after registration
SMTP Emails Enable/Disable SMTP email system
reCAPTCHA Enabled Turn reCAPTCHA On and Off
Multi-Language multi-language platform using ‘gettext’ (Support Arabic and RTL Design)
Manage Translations: Admin can add/edit/delete language translations
Cache System Advanced caching system for all system and the view templates which guarantee fast loading for the whole website
Manage Users Manage your members, edit their profile details, and verify anyone of them
Manage Pages Manage pages that your members created, verify anyone of them
Manage Pages Categories Admin can add/edit/delete different categories for pages
Manage Groups Edit or Delete user-created groups
Reports Manage reports by your members
Manage Verified User/Pages Admin can make any user/page as verified.
Static Pages Admin can add/edit/delete static pages like about, privacy, terms …etc
Ads System Admin can add/edit/delete ads for the entire system with different locations.
Manage Themes Admin can add/edit/delete themes
Advanced Statistics Statistics about User Registrations, Messages, Comments, Reported Messages & Comments, Likes
Set Min/Max Results Admin can set Min/Max number of results per request
Sngine APIs allow your website users to create apps use login with features and retrieve user info
Sngine Share Plugin to allow other websites to use your share plugin code to add share in Sngine button
Sngine requires Apache Server, PHP 5.5+ (PHP 7.1+ to use Twilio Services) and MySQL to run
Before install Sngine please make sure that PHP extensions (mysqli, mbstring, curl) & PHP library (GD) & PHP funcrions (allow_url_fopen() & mail()) & Apache extension (mod_rewrite) are enabled on your server
SSL certificate (only required if you enabled video chat)
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